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→ Power Nap Sound Journey

  • Good Peoples 603 Valley Centre, 80~82 Morrison Hill Road Wan Chai, Hong Kong Island Hong Kong SAR China (map)

power nap sound journey with mei wong

Immerse yourself in a chic oasis of relaxation before the weekend kicks in. 

Ground yourself with breathwork, meditation and gentle self-massage techniques before drifting into a restorative power nap with healing sound vibrations to rejuvenate your spirit. 

Mei is a healer in many modalities. Sound, yoga, ceremony, and many more. Her loving and caring presence brings calm and relaxation. Her teaching is a manifestation of all the healing she has done and is doing in her life.

60 minutes
$300 for single session, or
$250 with package of four

Or purchase a package of four for $250/class

→ Purchase a 4 Group Workshop Package
February 21

→ Power Nap Sound Journey

March 3

→ Monday Magic: Meditation & More